ODER / Vurr
Henri Siht / ODER
Tavaliselt on nii, et naised veavad mehi käekõrval arsti juurde. Esimene samm selle trendi muutmisse on nüüd astutud, mehed hakaku naisi käekõrval arsti juurde viima, mitte muidugi, et viimane välistaks esimest.
Täname soovolinikku Liisa Pakostat julgustavate sõnade eest: “Nagu näha, saab sooteemades piireületav reklaam alati väga palju tähelepanu ja just seepärast neid tehaksegi. Šokireklaami on alati tehtudki selleks, et inimesed teemast rääkima hakkaksid. See, et pooled naised ei tule elutähtsatele sõeluuringutele kohale on tegelikult väga suur probleem ja ma ei tormaks kohe hukka mõistma neid, kes seniste viisakate kutsete, mis pole soovitud tulemust andnud, kõrval proovivad ka rohkem närvidel mängida,”
Usually the case regarding doctors is that women take men by the arm to the doctor. The first step in changing this trend has now been taken, men will start taking women to the doctor by the arm, not, of course, that the latter excludes the former.
We thank Liisa Pakosta, Commissioner for Gender equality, for her encouraging words: “As you can see, cross-border advertising on gender issues always gets a lot of attention, and that’s exactly why they are made. Shock advertising has always been made to get people talking about the issue. The fact that half of the women do not show up for vital screenings is actually a very big problem and I would not immediately rush to condemn those who, in addition to the previous polite invitations, which have not given the desired result, are also trying to play on nerves more,”